The Cast and Crew of Jing TV


Cecil Noggle

Malsbury’s top stand up comedian and Jing TV’s most popular character. Is kind enough to explain his jokes so that you can understand why they are funny. He considers himself to be the next Michael McIntyre… and who are we to argue?!

Update – Now that Cecil’s videos are now also being watched in Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands, he now wishes to be known as ‘North-West Europe’s Favourite Comedian’.


And the rest of the cast, in alphabetical order…


Adrian Smedley

Host of the Online Friendship Forum (OFF) – a platform designed to connect people around the world. Despite being in his 40s, he still lives with his mother who, while a bit controlling at times, is only strict with him for his own good.


Billy J Worrall

A man in a bobble hat permanently bewildered and intimidated by the world around him.


Brian Middleton

Malsbury’s resident agony uncle. A wholesome, caring, font of knowledge to help you through whatever problems life throws at you.


Clive the Sheikh

Clive shares with us the difficulties of being a caucasian sheikh living in a second floor flat. He does not consider himself guilty of cultural appropriation, mainly because he doesn’t understand what it means.


Count Onmi

A vampire that finds living in Malsbury a struggle, mainly due to its lack of virgins and insufficient warnings about garlic in ready meals.


Crazy Howard

The wackiest member of the Malsbury Conservative Club. Part of Davey Spain’s Jing TV Central Crew.



He dwells in the darkness, but hopes one day ‘Master’ will bring him to the light.


Cuthbert Theodore Beare

A bear of class and distinction. He most certainly does not excrete in the woods! He has rather bigoted views towards pandas, but nobody is perfect.


Davey Spain

Host of Jing TV Central and the voice of the youth of Malsbury.


Derek Jenkins

Derek has struck up a unique friendship with an ‘alien geezer’ called Glarg. They get on most of the time, but every now and then the extra terrestrial pushes his luck and really gets Derek’s goat.


Dr. Jobsworth

Malsbury’s resident general practitioner. Is a firm believer in weight loss as a cure for everything… even herpes.


Greg Lennon

Malsbury’s resident poet and all-round intellectual. A creative genius we mere mortals are fortunate enough to live in the same era as.


Janet Thorne

The original ‘Karen’.


Jing TV’s New Character

He is, in fact, no longer Jing TV’s new character, but nobody can be bothered to give him a different name. He doesn’t care though, he’s just happy to be here.


John Joyful

Joyful by name, but not by nature.


Laurence Milhurst

Malsbury’s leading thespian. An ambitious performer who will take on a number of diverse and challenging roles.



A promising singer waiting for the world (or even his home town of Malsbury) to recognise his undeniable talent.


Mike Safe

Self-help guru and well known ladies man. Sweet mercy mama!


Mr. Remote Control

Cecil’s comedy sidekick and best friend. Together they make a comedy double-act worthy of Laurel & Hardy, Morecambe & Wise, and Abbott & Costello


Neil Walton

Malsbury’s resident safety officer. Likes to inform you how to stay safe whilst making you laugh in the process. It’s the very least he can do to make up for his past… although he’s not that person anymore.


Pork Scratching

The name’s Scratching, Pork Scratching. Secret Agent 00898. Has a license to kill and to park on double yellow lines.


The Reverend Len Bonecruncher

Malsbury’s resident Church of England vicar. He may break your legs if you question his faith, but he will kind enough to pray that they are healed afterwards.


Royce Retro

Royce Retro takes you all the way back to significant events from yesteryear, even if we wish some of them didn’t happen (see the background).


Sage Hezekiah

A cult… um I mean religious leader on a mission to bring the love of the Higher Godling to the people of Malsbury


Sidney Conway

A loveable cockney rogue. Can now be found wheeling and dealing on the streets of Malsbury, but originally hails from the East London borough of Southampton.


Sir Gerald Hartley

Sir Gerald claims to be British and proud of it… but we haven’t had the heart to tell him that Britain is not in fact south of Scotland and East of Ireland and Wales.



You could point out to him that he’s wearing a box on his head, but the truth is that he’s just not bothered.



We’re not sure whereabouts Stefan is from, other than it is somewhere in North-West Europe. What we do know, however, is that he loves wacky British humour.


And last but not least…


Lee McAndrew

The Chief Executive of Jing TV, working diligently behind the scenes to put this show together. Due to his rather unique physique, he should under any circumstances be confused with the successful non-league footballer of the same name.